In June 2021, George Clooney, Grant Heslov, and Bryan Lourd partnered with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to establish The Roybal Film and Television Magnet, located on the Edward G. Roybal Learning Complex in downtown LA, to launch in the summer of 2022. The school’s mission is to build a more inclusive pipeline of historically underrepresented, college and career-ready students interested in the film and television industries.

I produced videos about camera and lighting featuring leading Hollywood DPs and Gaffers, and profiles of up and comers.


“The Power of Lighting” Clips

Featuring Eddie A Reid (The Idol), Justin Dickson (Licorice Pizza), Michael Bauman (Ironman)

“The Camera” Clips

Featuring Autumn Durald Arkapaw (Black Panther II), Salvatore Totino (The Da Vinci Code) Sandra Valde-Hansen (The Summer I Turned Pretty), Robert Arnold (La La Land), Cybel Martin (A League of Their Own)

Profiles of a young DP and Gaffer

Featuring Ceasar Flores and Tanisha Moreno